Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Living Healthy

I know I have not been on here in a long time so I have a lot of ground to cover. Tonight I am going to just stay with my title "Living Healthy". Many of us take our bodies for granted and don't even realize it. It kinda becomes second nature. As of January I decided to commit to a new way of life, a better way of life. I decided to start eating better and living better. In 2007 I saw both my mom and dad go under the knife to have open heart surgery, only 7 weeks apart. This was one of the most trying times of my life. In 2010 I spent a night in the hospital, but that still didn't open my eyes. It wasn't until my son was born in November that I decided to do something. You see I have been diagnosed with hypertension, high cholesterol, and acid reflux. All of these things, not taken care of, will take me to an early grave. I thought about all that I had went through in 2007 with my parents and I decided that I would not put my own child through any of that. So through a lot of prayer and meditation I began to make gradual changes. First I started P90X,which led to me becoming a BeachBody coach, and then I stopped drinking so much alcohol. Finally I began to watch what I eat. I eased up off of the fried foods and increased my water intake. I have not only began to feel better but I lost 21 pounds and am beginning to tone up ( I will be posting pictures of my progress). I realize that your body is a temple and you have to treat it as such!!!