Sunday, October 23, 2011

P90X 2 is coming!!!

If you are a P90X Graduate then this one is for you!!! Hit me up at for details.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October Fitness Challenge Day 4

Today is the 4th day of the fitness challenge. The workout has to be moved to the evening due to the carpet cleaning on yesterday. Remember let's keep each other accountable for getting up and moving today!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Alternative Apparel | Excerpt from Hill Harper's "The Wealth Cure"

October Fitness Challenge Day 3

Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning pushed me this morning! Getting up at 5am to ensure my workouts are done is a challenge within itself. I have discovered that it takes 21 Days to form a new habit. Now that I am 30 some odd days into Insanity my body is beating the alarm clock in the mornings. I have gotten adapted to working out in the mornings. I feel more energetic during the day and more focused!!! Let's to get moving!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October FItness Challenge Day 2

October Fitness Challenge Day 2: Today is my rest day. Later I am planning on jogging for about thirty minutes, but nothing hard for my body. It is important to let your muscles recuperate a few times a week. If you don't rest you are more prone to injuries. Your body,once conditioned, is designed to be pushed as hard it can be pushed, but that doesn't exclude having a recovery day or two!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fitness Challenge Day1

Its October my friends! This morning's workout Insanity Max Interval Plyo pushed me hard. Each time I get up in the A.M to workout I always remind myself of why I am committing to pushing harder each day! Health and fitness are becoming a lifestyle! Each day (not just during this challenge) push yourself just a little harder to see the best results!!! Also check for everything beachbody!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

October Fitness Challenge

October is going to be the beginning of a new journey. Its going to be one that changes the way you think about fitness and health. I am on a mission to help people reach their health goal. Each day in the month of October I will post my progress on my Facebook page and Coach Marcus Laister page. To follow this challenge is simple. Just post your progress each day on either page and encourage someone close to you to begin a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is wholeness! Everyone who is following this challenge, I encourage you to be accountable to someone with your journey!!! Check out for all access to BeachBody and all that it has to offer!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Clairity and Understanding

Clarity is the the clearness of thought or the perception of understanding. As I journey on this road called growth I have discovered that I can't begin to move on an idea without first having a clear picture of what it is I am getting on board with. A plan clearly laid out and that is precise and to the point will be most effective when building anything. Clarity is the a necessary tool when you are doing anything. Think about it like this, a building won't come together without a blueprint. The blueprint is a precise plan laid out by an architect. It helps the engineer and contractor to understand exactly how to put the structure together. I like to think of clarity and understanding as the glue that holds a plan together. I hope this will be useful to anyone who is intentionally growing and making themselves to be influential people in their lives!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This won't be long but I feel its a necessary entry. I believe in being transparent. It keeps me accountable for everything I do. Transparency offers something that nothing else can do for you, it allows people to see you try for you and nothing else. Think about this, if you are looking to be perfect by default you try to cover up things and in doing that you waste time and began to create a false image of who you are. By being a fitness spokesperson I want people to see when I make mistakes in this walk. It let's people know that I am not perfect and I will not stay down. There is power in that alone! So to all who read this if you fallen off, gotten off track of your dreams, or just procrastinated on anything just get back up and get back on the grind!!! When people see you push harder after a slight miscalculation, at that moment you become more human and reality sets. In turn you become an inspiration!!! Let people see the real you, More value will be added to you and your mission!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


After various conversations with people in my circles, I have noticed more people want to reach their dreams and accomplish their goals. I am writing this entry to simply encourage anyone who reads this to stay the course. Of course making your dreams come true and achieving success all involve careful and strategic planning. A road map has to be in place for you to follow. Think about it like this, a contractor has to have a blueprint to follow top tell him exactly how a building is supposed to be put together.

The first thing you that you can focus on is having a vision for where you are trying to go and what you want to accomplish. You have to see what it is that you are building. Take time out to yourself to sit down and meditate and see that thing you are trying accomplish. No great leader or successful person has ever made any move without vision. Dr. King always stated what his vision was and he lived up to it.

Once you have a vision develop you a circle of people you trust. Share your vision with them. This will develop a level of accountability for you. At the same time make sure you are connected to people who will share with you in the same manner and that you can hold up to the same level of responsibility.

After you are moving with a circle ( or before) begin to set realistic goals to get you where you need to be. Make sure that they are tangible goals that you can really accomplish and not just something that sounds good. At this place your mode about accomplishing your goals will be in full swing.

The only thing left to do is to execute and make things happen. Pray that what you are setting out to accomplish lines up with God's will for your life. At that point nothing will stop you from becoming successful. As I grow I want the people that I am connected to in any kind of way to also grow too!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Living Healthy

I know I have not been on here in a long time so I have a lot of ground to cover. Tonight I am going to just stay with my title "Living Healthy". Many of us take our bodies for granted and don't even realize it. It kinda becomes second nature. As of January I decided to commit to a new way of life, a better way of life. I decided to start eating better and living better. In 2007 I saw both my mom and dad go under the knife to have open heart surgery, only 7 weeks apart. This was one of the most trying times of my life. In 2010 I spent a night in the hospital, but that still didn't open my eyes. It wasn't until my son was born in November that I decided to do something. You see I have been diagnosed with hypertension, high cholesterol, and acid reflux. All of these things, not taken care of, will take me to an early grave. I thought about all that I had went through in 2007 with my parents and I decided that I would not put my own child through any of that. So through a lot of prayer and meditation I began to make gradual changes. First I started P90X,which led to me becoming a BeachBody coach, and then I stopped drinking so much alcohol. Finally I began to watch what I eat. I eased up off of the fried foods and increased my water intake. I have not only began to feel better but I lost 21 pounds and am beginning to tone up ( I will be posting pictures of my progress). I realize that your body is a temple and you have to treat it as such!!!