Sunday, April 17, 2011


After various conversations with people in my circles, I have noticed more people want to reach their dreams and accomplish their goals. I am writing this entry to simply encourage anyone who reads this to stay the course. Of course making your dreams come true and achieving success all involve careful and strategic planning. A road map has to be in place for you to follow. Think about it like this, a contractor has to have a blueprint to follow top tell him exactly how a building is supposed to be put together.

The first thing you that you can focus on is having a vision for where you are trying to go and what you want to accomplish. You have to see what it is that you are building. Take time out to yourself to sit down and meditate and see that thing you are trying accomplish. No great leader or successful person has ever made any move without vision. Dr. King always stated what his vision was and he lived up to it.

Once you have a vision develop you a circle of people you trust. Share your vision with them. This will develop a level of accountability for you. At the same time make sure you are connected to people who will share with you in the same manner and that you can hold up to the same level of responsibility.

After you are moving with a circle ( or before) begin to set realistic goals to get you where you need to be. Make sure that they are tangible goals that you can really accomplish and not just something that sounds good. At this place your mode about accomplishing your goals will be in full swing.

The only thing left to do is to execute and make things happen. Pray that what you are setting out to accomplish lines up with God's will for your life. At that point nothing will stop you from becoming successful. As I grow I want the people that I am connected to in any kind of way to also grow too!!!